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Comparing Wooden And Composite Decking

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Your deck needs to be able to withstand a variety of different weather conditions and structural stresses without breaking or degrading, and there are a number of different building materials that fit that bill. Wooden and composite decking are two of the most common types of construction materials that are used for decking. However, both materials have a distinctive set of advantages and drawbacks associated with them. Being aware of what each type of decking material has to offer, and what considerations come with it, can help you choose the best material for your needs.

Wooden Decking

Wooden decking is one of the most common types of decking material because of the variety of different price points that it comes in at. Rare and exotic hardwoods have unique hues and qualities—for example, cypress and redwood are both resistant to pest damage because of natural oils that they contain. On the other end of the spectrum, pressure treated pine is one of the more affordable decking options available, allowing you to fit your wooden deck into the budget no matter the size. Wooden decks can also be sanded down and painted or stained to restore the appearance of your deck at a fraction of the cost associated with complete replacement.

However, wooden decking can require significantly more maintenance than its composite counterparts. Wooden decks can warp, rot and be infested by pests following weather exposure, especially if they are exposed to high levels of humidity or moisture. This makes staining or painting every few years necessary to seal your wood against the elements and to prevent damage from occurring.

Composite Decking

Composite decking, on the other hand, is a mixture of wood products and plastic that give it a significantly higher resistance to moisture exposure. Composite decking will not rot, are completely immune to pest infestations, and generally withstand changing temperatures and seasons better than wood. This reduces the risk that they will crack, warp, or otherwise become damaged over time, saving you money on repair, replacement, and general maintenance.

However, it should be noted that composite decking tends to come at a higher average price point than wood does. While this does depend on the type of wood that you are comparing it to, the general size of your deck, and the type of composite decking that you choose in general, you can expect composite decking to offer less flexibility when it comes to fitting it into your budget. For more information, contact deck builders in your area.
